To Convert | into | Multiply By |
gallons | cu. cms. | 3,785.0 |
gallons | cu. feet | 0.1337 |
gallons | cu. inches | 231.0 |
gallons | cu. meters | 3.785 x 10^-3 |
gallons | cu. yards | 4.951 x 10^-3 |
gallons | liters | 3.785 |
gallons (liq. Br. Imp.) | gallons (U.S. liq.) | 1.20095 |
gallons (U.S.) | gallons (Imp.) | 0.83267 |
gallons of water | pounds of water | 8.3453 |
gallons/min. | cu. ft./sec. | 2.228 x 10^-3 |
gallons/min. | liters/sec. | 0.06308 |
gallons/min. | cu. ft./hr. | 8.0208 |
gausses | lines/sq. in. | 6.452 |
gausses | webers/sq. cm. | 10^-8 |
gausses | webers/sq. in. | 6.452 x 10^-8 |
gausses | webers/sq. meter | 10^-4 |
gilberts | ampere-turns | 0.7958 |
gilberts/cm. | amp-turns/cm. | 0.7958 |
gilberts/cm. | amp-turns/in. | 2.021 |
gilberts/cm. | amp-turns/meter | 79.58 |
Gills (British) | cubic cm. | 142.07 |
gills | liters | 0.1183 |
gills | pints (liq.) | 0.25 |
Grade | Radian | 0.01571 |
Grains | drams (avoirdupois) | 0.03657143 |
grains (troy) | grains (avdp.) | 1.0 |
grains (troy) | grams | 0.06480 |
grains (troy) | ounces (avdp.) | 2.0833 x 10^-3 |
grains (troy) | pennyweight (troy) | 0.04167 |
grains/U.S. gal. | parts/million | 17.118 |
grains/U.S. gal. | pounds/million gal. | 142.86 |
grains/Imp. gal. | parts/million | 14.286 |
grams | dynes | 980.7 |
grams | grains | 15.43 |
grams | joules/cm. | 9.807 x 10^-5 |
grams | joules/meter (newtons) | 9.807 x 10^-3 |
grams | kilograms | 0.001 |
grams | milligrams | 1,000 |
grams | ounces (avdp.) | 0.03527 |
grams | ounces (troy) | 0.03215 |
grams | poundals | 0.07093 |
grams | pounds | 2.205 x 10^-3 |
grams/cm. | pounds/inch | 5.600 x 10^-3 |
grams/cu. cm. | pounds/cu. ft. | 62.43 |
grams/cu. cm. | pounds/cu. in. | 0.03613 |
grams/cu. cm. | pounds/mil-foot | 3.405 x 10^-7 |
grams/liter | grains/gal. | 58.417 |
grams/liter | pounds/1,000 gal. | 8.345 |
grams/liter | pounds/cu. ft. | 0.062427 |
grams/liter | parts/million | 1,000 |
grams/sq. cm. | pounds/sq. ft. | 2.0481 |
gram-calories | Btu | 3.9683 x 10^-3 |
gram-calories | ergs | 4.1868 x 10^7 |
gram-calories | foot-pounds | 3.0880 |
gram-calories | horsepower-hrs. | 1.5596 x 10^-6 |
gram-calories | kilowatt-hrs. | 1.1630 x 10^-6 |
gram-calories | watt-hrs. | 1.1630 x 10^-3 |
gram-calories/sec. | Btu/hr. | 14.286 |
gram-centimeters | Btu | 9.297 x 10^-8 |
gram-centimeters | ergs | 980.7 |
gram-centimeters | joules | 9.807 x 10^-5 |
gram-centimeters | kg.-cal. | 2.343 x 10^-8 |
gram-centimeters | kg.-meters | 10^-5 |
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To Convert | into | Multiply By |
Hand | Cm. | 10.16 |
hectares | acres | 2.471 |
hectares | sq. feet | 1.076 x 10^5 |
hectograms | grams | 100.0 |
hectoliters | liters | 100.0 |
hectometers | meters | 100.0 |
hectowatts | watts | 100.0 |
henries | millihenries | 1,000.0 |
Hogsheads (British) | cubic ft. | 10.114 |
Hogsheads (U.S.) | cubic ft. | 8.42184 |
Hogsheads (U.S.) | gallons (U.S.) | 63 |
horsepower | Btu/min. | 42.44 |
horsepower | foot-lbs./min. | 33,000 |
horsepower | foot-lbs./sec. | 550.0 |
horsepower(metric) | horsepower | 0.9863 |
(542.5 ft. lb./sec.) | (550 ft. lb./sec.) | |
horsepower | horsepower (metric) | 1.014 |
(550 ft. lb./sec.) | (542.5 ft. lb./sec.) | |
horsepower | kg.-calories/min. | 10.68 |
horsepower | kilowatts | 0.7457 |
horsepower | watts | 745.7 |
horsepower (boiler) | Btu/hr. | 33.479 |
horsepower (boiler) | kilowatts | 9.803 |
horsepower-hrs. | Btu | 2,547 |
horsepower-hrs. | ergs | 2.6845 x 10^13 |
horsepower-hrs. | foot-lbs. | 1.98 x 10^6 |
horsepower-hrs. | gram-calories | 641,190. |
horsepower-hrs. | joules | 2.684 x 10^6 |
horsepower-hrs. | kg.-calories | 641.1 |
horsepower-hrs. | kg.-meters | 2.737 x 10^5 |
horsepower-hrs. | kilowatt-hrs. | 0.7457 |
hours | days | 4.167 x 10^-2 |
hours | weeks | 5.952 x 10^-3 |
Hundredwts. (long) | pounds | 112 |
Hundredwts. (long) | tons (long) | 0.05 |
Hundredwts. (short) | ounces (avoirdupois) | 1600 |
Hundredwts. (short) | pounds | 100 |
Hundredwts. (short) | tons (metric) | 0.0453592 |
Hundredwts. (shrt.) | tons (long) | 0.0446429 |
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To Convert | into | Multiply By |
inches | centimeters | 2.540 |
inches | meters | 2.540 x 10^-2 |
inches | miles | 1.578 x 10^-5 |
inches | millimeters | 25.40 |
inches | mils | 1,000.0 |
inches | yards | 2.778 x 10^-2 |
inches of Hg | atmospheres | 0.03342 |
inches of Hg | feet of water | 1.133 |
inches of Hg | kgs./sq. cm. | 0.03453 |
inches of Hg | kgs./sq. meter | 345.3 |
inches of Hg | pounds/sq. ft. | 70.73 |
inches of Hg | pounds/sq. in. | 0.4912 |
inches of H20 (4 deg. C) | atmospheres | 2.458 x 10^-3 |
inches of H20 (4 deg. C) | inches of Hg | 0.07355 |
inches of H20 (4 deg. C) | kgs./sq. cm. | 2.540 x 10^-3 |
inches of H20 (4 deg. C) | ounces/sq. in. | 0.5781 |
inches of H20 (4 deg. C) | pounds/sq. ft. | 5.204 |
inches of H20 (4 deg. C) | pounds/sq. in. | 0.03613 |
International Ampere | Ampere (absolute) | .9998 |
International Volt | Volts (absolute) | 1.0003 |
International volt | Joules (absolute) | 1.593 x 10^-19 |
International volt | Joules | 9.654 x 10^4 |
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