A |
To Convert | into | Multiply By |
Abcoulomb | Statcoulombs | 2.998 x 10^10 |
Acre | sq. chain. (Gunters) | 10 |
Acre | Rods | 160 |
Acre | square links (Gunters) | 1 x 10^5 |
Acre | Hectare or sq. hectometer | 0.4047 |
acres | sq. feet | 43,560 |
acres | sq. meters | 4,047 |
acres | sq. miles | 1.562 x 10^-3 |
acre-feet | cu. feet | 43,560 |
acre-feet | gallons | 3.259 x 10^ 5 |
amperes/sq. cm. | amps/sq. in. | 6.452 |
amperes/sq. cm. | amps/sq. meter | 10^4 |
amperes/sq. in. | amps/sq. cm. | 0.1550 |
amperes/sq. in. | amps/sq. meter | 1,550 |
amperes/sq. meter | amps/sq. cm. | 10^-4 |
amperes/sq. meter | amps/sq. in. | 6.452 x10^- 4 |
ampere-hours | coulombs | 3,600 |
ampere-hours | faradays | 0.03731 |
ampere-turns | gilberts | 1.257 |
ampere-turns/cm. | amp-turns/in. | 2.540 |
ampere-turns/cm. | amp-turns/meter | 100.0 |
ampere-turns/cm. | gilberts/cm. | 1.257 |
ampere-turns/in. | amp-turns/cm. | 0.3937 |
ampere-turns/in. | amp-turns/meter | 39.37 |
ampere-turns/in. | gilberts/cm. | 0.4950 |
ampere-turns/m. | amp-turns/cm. | 0.01 |
ampere-turns/m. | amp-turns/in. | 0.0254 |
ampere-turns/m. | gilberts/cm. | 0.01257 |
Angstrom unit | Inch | 3937 x10^-9 |
Angstrom unit | Meter | 1x10^-10 |
Angstrom unit | Micron or (Mu) | 1x10^-4 |
Are | Acre(US) | 0.02471 |
Ares | sq. yards | 119.60 |
ares | acres | 0.02471 |
ares | sq. meters | 100.0 |
Astronomical Unit | Kilometers | 1.495 x10^8 |
Atmospheres | ton/sq. in. | 0.007348 |
atmospheres | cms. of Hg | 76.0 |
atmospheres | ft. of water (at 4ºC) | 33.9 |
atmospheres | in. of Hg (at 0ºC) | 29.92 |
atmospheres | kgs./sq. cm. | 1.0333 |
atmospheres | kgs./sq. meter | 10,332 |
atmospheres | pounds/sq. in. | 14.70 |
atmospheres | tons/sq. ft. | 1.058 |
B |
To Convert | into | Multiply By |
Barrels (U.S., dry) | cu. inches | 7056 |
Barrels (U.S., dry) | quarts (dry) | 105.0 |
Barrels (U.S., liq.) | gallons | 31.5 |
barrels (oil) | gallons (oil) | 42.0 |
bars | atmospheres | 0.9869 |
bars | dynes/sq. cm. | 10^6 |
bars | kgs./sq. meter | 1.020 x10^4 |
bars | pounds/sq. ft. | 2,089 |
bars | pounds/sq. in. | 14.50 |
Baryl | Dyne/sq. cm. | 1.000 |
Bolt (US cloth) | Meters | 36.576 |
BTU | Liter-Atmosphere | 10.409 |
Btu | ergs | 1.0550 x10^10 |
Btu | foot-pounds | 778.3 |
Btu | gram-calories | 252.0 |
Btu | horsepower-hrs. | 3.931x10^-4 |
Btu | joules | 1,054.8 |
Btu | kilogram-calories | 0.2520 |
Btu | kilogram-meters | 107.5 |
Btu | kilowatt-hrs. | 2.928x10^-4 |
Btu/hr. | foot-pounds/sec. | 0.2162 |
Btu/hr. | gram-cal/sec. | 0.0700 |
Btu/hr. | horsepower-hrs. | 3.929x10^-4 |
Btu/hr. | watts | 0.2931 |
Btu/min. | foot-lbs./sec. | 12.96 |
Btu/min. | horsepower | 0.02356 |
Btu/min. | kilowatts | 0.01757 |
Btu/min. | watts | 17.57 |
Btu/sq. ft./min. | watts/sq. in. | 0.1221 |
Bucket (Br. dry) | Cubic cm. | 1.818 x10^4 |
bushels | cu. ft. | 1.2445 |
bushels | cu. in. | 2,150.4 |
bushels | cu. meters | 0.03524 |
bushels | liters | 35.24 |
bushels | pecks | 4.0 |
bushels | pints (dry) | 64.0 |
bushels | quarts (dry) | 32.0 |
C |
To Convert | into | Multiply By |
Calories, gram (mean) | B.T.U. (mean) | 3.9685 x 10^-3 |
Candle/sq. cm. | Lamberts | 3.142 |
Candle/sq. inch | Lamberts | 0.4870 |
centares (centiares) | sq. meters | 1.0 |
Centigrade | Fahrenheit | (Cºx9/5)+32 |
centigrams | grams | 0.01 |
Centiliter | Ounce fluid (U.S.) | 0.3382 |
Centiliter | Cubic inch | 0.6103 |
Centiliter | drams | 2.705 |
centiliters | liters | 0.01 |
centimeters | feet | 3.281 x 10^-2 |
centimeters | inches | 0.3937 |
centimeters | kilometers | 10^-5 |
centimeters | meters | 0.01 |
centimeters | miles | 6.214 x 10^-6 |
centimeters | millimeters | 10.0 |
centimeters | mils | 393.7 |
centimeters | yards | 1.094 x 10^-2 |
centimeter-dynes | cm.-grams | 1.020 x 10^- 3 |
centimeter-dynes | meter-kgs. | 1.020 x 10^-8 |
centimeter-dynes | pound-feet | 7.376 x 10^-8 |
centimeter-grams | cm.-dynes | 980.7 |
centimeter-grams | meter-kgs. | 10^-5 |
centimeter-grams | pound-feet | 7.233 x 10^-5 |
centimeters of Hg | atmospheres | 0.01316 |
centimeters of Hg | feet of water | 0.4461 |
centimeters of Hg | kgs./sq. meter | 136.0 |
centimeters of Hg | pounds/sq. ft. | 27.85 |
centimeters of Hg | pounds/sq. in. | 0.1934 |
centimeters/sec. | feet/min. | 1.1969 |
centimeters/sec. | feet/sec. | 0.03281 |
centimeters/sec. | kilometers/hr. | 0.036 |
centimeters/sec. | knots | 0.1943 |
centimeters/sec. | meters/min. | 0.6 |
centimeters/sec. | miles/hr. | 0.02237 |
centimeters/sec. | miles/min. | 3.728 x 10^- 4 |
centimeters/sec./sec. | feet/sec./sec. | 0.03281 |
centimeters/sec./sec. | kms./hr./sec. | 0.036 |
centimeters/sec./sec. | meters/sec./sec. | 0.01 |
centimeters/sec./sec. | miles/hr./sec. | 0.02237 |
Chain | Inches | 792.00 |
Chain | meters | 20.12 |
Chains (surveyors') | yards | 22.00 |
circular mils | sq. cms. | 5.067 x 10^-6 |
circular mils | sq. mils | 0.7854 |
Circumference | Radians | 6.283 |
circular mils | sq. inches | 7.854 x 10^-7 |
Cords | cord feet | 8 |
Cord feet | cu. feet | 16 |
Coulomb | Statcoulombs | 2.998 x 10^9 |
coulombs | faradays | 1.036 x 10^-5 |
coulombs/sq. cm. | coulombs/sq. in. | 64.52 |
coulombs/sq. cm. | coulombs/sq. meter | 10^4 |
coulombs/sq. in. | coulombs/sq. cm. | 0.1550 |
coulombs/sq. in. | coulombs/sq. meter | 1,550 | .
coulombs/sq. meter | coulombs/sq. cm. | 10^-4 |
coulombs/sq. meter | coulombs/sq. in. | 6.452 x 10^-4 |
cubic centimeters | cu. feet | 3.531 x 10^-5 |
cubic centimeters | cu. inches< | 0.06102 |
cubic centimeters | cu. meters | 10^-6 |
cubic centimeters | cu. yards | 1.308 x 10^-6 |
cubic centimeters | gallons (U.S. liq.) | 2.642 x 10^-4 |
cubic centimeters | liters | 0.001 |
cubic centimeters | pints (U.S. liq.) | 2.113 x 10^-3 |
cubic centimeters | quarts (U.S. liq.) | 1.057 x 10^-3 |
cubic feet | bushels (dry)< | 0.8036 |
cubic feet | cu. cms | 28,320.0 |
cubic feet | cu. inches | 1,728.0 |
cubic feet | cu. meters | 0.02832 |
cubic feet | cu. yards | 0.03704 |
cubic feet | gallons (U.S. liq.) | 7.48052 |
cubic feet | liters | 28.32 |
cubic feet | pints (U.S. liq.) | 59.84 |
cubic feet | quarts (U.S. liq.) | 29.92 |
cubic feet/min. | cu. cms./sec. | >472.0 |
cubic feet/min. | gallons/sec. | 0.1247 |
cubic feet/min. | liters/sec. | 0.4720 |
cubic feet/min. | pounds of water/min. | 62.43 |
cubic feet/sec. | million gals./day | 0.646317 |
cubic feet/sec. | gallons/min. | 448.831 |
cubic inches | cu. cms | 16.39 |
cubic inches | cu. feet | 5.787 x 10^-4 |
cubic inches | cu. meters | 1.639 x 10^-5 |
cubic inches | cu. yards | 2.143 x 10^-5 |
cubic inches | gallons | 4.329 x 10^-3 |
cubic inches | liters | 0.01639 |
cubic inches | mil-feet | 1.061 x 10^5 |
cubic inches | pints (U.S. liq.) | 0.03463 |
cubic inches | quarts (U.S. liq.) | 0. 01732 |
cubic meters | bushels (dry) | 28.38 |
cubic meters | cu. cms. | 10^6 |
cubic meters | cu. feet | 35.31 |
cubic meters | cu. inches | 61,023.0 |
cubic meters | cu. yards | 1.308 |
cubic meters | gallons (U.S. liq.) | 264.2 |
cubic meters | liters | 1,000.0 |
cubic meters | pints (U.S. liq.) | 2,113.0 |
cubic meters | quarts (U.S. liq.) | 1,057 |
cubic yards | cu. cms. | 7.646 x 10^5 |
cubic yards | cu. feet | 27.0 |
cubic yards | cu. inches | 46,656.0 |
cubic yards | cu. meters | 0.7646 |
cubic yards | gallons (U.S. liq.) | 202.0 |
cubic yards | liters | 764.6 |
cubic yards | pints (U.S. liq.) | 1,615.9 |
cubic yards | quarts (U.S. liq.) | 807.9 |
cubic yards /min. | cubic ft./sec. | 0.45 |
cubic yards/min. | gallons/sec. | 3.367 |
cubic yards/min. | liters/sec. | 12.74 |