To ConvertintoMultiply By
DaltonGram1.650 x 10^-24
degrees (angle)quadrants0.01111
degrees (angle)radians0.01745
degrees (angle)seconds3,600.0
degrees/sec.revolutions/sec.2.778 x 10^-3
Drams (apothecaries' or troy)ounces (avoidupois)0.1371429
Drams (apothecaries' or troy)ounces (troy)0.125
Drams (U.S., fluid or apoth.)cubic cm.3.6967
Dyne/cm.Erg/sq. millimeter.01
Dyne/sq. cm.Atmospheres9.869 x 10^-7
Dyne/sq. cm.inch of Hg at 0 degrees C2.953 x 10^-5
Dyne/sq. cm.inch of H20 at 4 degrees C4.015 x 10^-4
dynesgrams1.020 x 10^-3
dynesjoules/meter (newtons)10^-5
dyneskilograms1.020 x 10^-6
dynespoundals7.233 x 10^-5
dynespounds2.248 x 10^-6
dynes/sq. cm.bars10^-6
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To ConvertintoMultiply By
Ell Cm. 114.30
Ell Inches 45
Em, Pica Inch .167
Em, Pica Cm. .4233
Erg/sec. Dyne - cm./sec. 1.000
ergs Btu 9.480 x 10^-11
ergs dyne-centimeters 1.0
ergs foot-pounds 7.367 x 10^-8
ergs gram-calories 0.2389 x 10^-7
ergs gram-cms. 1.020 x 10^-3
ergs horsepower-hrs. 3.7250 x 10^-14
ergs joules 10^-7
ergs kg.-calories 2.389 x 10^-11
ergs kg.-meters 1.020 x 10^-8
ergs kilowatt-hrs. 0.2778 x 10^-13
ergs watt-hours 0.2778 x 10^-10
ergs/sec. Btu/min. 5,688 x 10^-9
ergs/sec. ft.-lbs./min. 4.427 x 10^-6
ergs/sec. ft.-lbs./sec. 7.3756 x 10^-8
ergs/sec. horsepower 1.341 x 10^-10
ergs/sec. kg.-calories/min. 1.433 x 10^-9
ergs/sec. kilowatts 10^-10
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To ConvertintoMultiply By
farads microfarads 10^6
Faraday/sec. Ampere (absolute) 9.6500 x 10^4
faradays ampere-hours 26.80
faradays coulombs 9.649 x 10^4
Fathom Meter 1.828804
fathoms feet 6.0
feet centimeters 30.48
feet kilometers 3.048 x 10^-4
feet meters 0.3048
feet miles (naut.) 1.645 x 10^-4
feet miles (stat.) 1.894 x 10^-4
feet millimeters 304.8
feet mils 1.2 x 10^4
feet of water atmospheres 0.02950
feet of water in. of mercury 0.8826
feet of water kgs./sq. cm. 0.03048
feet of water kgs./sq. meter 304.8
feet of water pounds/sq. ft. 62.43
feet of water pounds/sq. in. 0.4335
feet/min. cms./sec. 0.5080
feet/min. feet/sec. 0.01667
feet/min. kms./hr. 0.01829
feet/min. meters/min. 0.3048
feet/min. miles/hr. 0.01136
feet/sec. cms./sec. 30.48
feet/sec. kms./hr. 1.097
feet/sec. knots 0.5921
feet/sec. meters/min. 18.29
feet/sec. miles/hr. 0.6818
feet/sec. miles/min. 0.01136
feet/sec./sec. cms./sec./sec. 30.48
feet/sec./sec. kms./hr./sec. 1.097
feet/sec./sec. meters/sec./sec. 0.3048
feet/sec./sec. miles/hr./sec. 0.6818
feet/100 feet per cent grade 1.0
Foot - candle Lumen/sq. meter 10.764
foot-pounds Btu 1.286 x 10^-3
foot-pounds ergs 1.356 x 10^7
foot-pounds gram-calories 0.3238
foot-pounds hp.-hrs. 5.050 x 10^-7
foot-pounds joules 1.356
foot-pounds kg.-calories 3.24 x 10^-4
foot-pounds kg.-meters 0.1383
foot-pounds kilowatt-hrs. 3.766 x 10^-7
foot-pounds/min. Btu/min. 1.286 x 10^-3
foot-pounds/min. foot-pounds/sec. 0.1667
foot-pounds/min. horsepower 3.030 x 10^-5
foot-pounds/min. kg.-calories/min. 3.24 x 10^-4
foot-pounds/min. kilowatts 2.260 x 10^-3
foot-pounds/sec. Btu/hr. 4.6263
foot-pounds/sec. Btu/min. 0.07717
foot-pounds/sec. horsepower 1.818 x 10^-3
foot-pounds/sec. kg.-calories/min. 0.01945
foot-pounds/sec. kilowatts 1.356 x 10^-3
Furlongs miles (U.S.) 0.125
furlongs rods 40.0
furlongs feet 660.0
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