P |
To Convert | into | Multiply By |
Parsec | Miles | 19 x 10^12 |
Parsec | Kilometers | 3.084 x 10^13 |
parts/million | grains/U.S. gal. | 0.0584 |
parts/million | grains/Imp. gal. | 0.07016 |
parts/million | pounds/million gal. | 8.345 |
Pecks (British) | cubic inches | 554.6 |
Pecks (British) | liters | 9.091901 |
Pecks (U.S.) | bushels | 0.25 |
Pecks (U.S.) | cubic inches | 537.605 |
Pecks (U.S.) | liters | 8.809582 |
Pecks (U.S.) | quarts (dry) | 8 |
pennyweights (troy) | grains | 24.0 |
pennyweights (troy) | ounces (troy) | 0.05 |
pennyweights (troy) | grams | 1.55517 |
pennyweights (troy) | pounds (troy) | 4.1667 x 10^-3 |
pints (dry) | cu. inches | 33.60 |
pints (liq.) | cu. cms. | 473.2 |
pints (liq.) | cu. feet | 0.01671 |
pints (liq.) | cu. inches | 28.87 |
pints (liq.) | cu. meters | 4.732 x 10^-4 |
pints (liq.) | cu. yards | 6.189 x 10^-4 |
pints (liq.) | gallons | 0.125 |
pints (liq.) | liters | 0.4732 |
pints (liq.) | quarts (liq.) | 0.5 |
Planck's quantum | Erg -- second | 6.624 x 10^-27 |
Poise | Gram/cm. sec. | 1.00 |
Pounds (avdp.) | ounces (troy) | 14.5833 |
poundals | dynes | 13,826 |
poundals | grams | 14.10 |
poundals | joules/cm. | 1.383 x 10^-3 |
poundals | joules/meter (newtons) | 0.1383 |
poundals | kilograms | 0.01410 |
poundals | pounds | 0.03108 |
pounds | drams | 256 |
pounds | dynes | 44.4823 x 10^4 |
pounds | grains | 7,000 |
pounds | grams | 453.5924 |
pounds | joules/cm. | 0.04448 |
pounds | joules/meter (newtons) | 4.448 |
pounds | kilograms | 0.4536 |
pounds | ounces | 16.0 |
pounds | ounces (troy) | 14.5833 |
pounds | poundals | 32.17 |
pounds | pounds (troy) | 1.21528 |
pounds | tons (short) | 0.0005 |
pounds (troy) | grains | 5,760 |
pounds (troy) | grams | 373.24177 |
pounds (troy) | ounces (avdp.) | 13.1657 |
pounds (troy) | ounces (troy) | 12.0 |
pounds (troy) | pennyweights (troy) | 240.0 |
pounds (troy) | pounds (avdp.) | 0.822857 |
pounds (troy) | tons (long) | 3.6735 x 10^-4 |
pounds (troy) | tons (metric) | 3.7324 x 10^-4 |
pounds (troy) | tons (short) | 4.1143 x 10^-4 |
pounds of H20 | cu. feet | 0.01602 |
pounds of H20 | cu. inches | 27.68 |
pounds of H20 | gallons | 0.1198 |
pounds of H20/min. | cu. ft./sec. | 2.670 x 10^-4 |
pound-feet | cm.-dynes | 1.356 x 10^7 |
pound-feet | cm.-grams | 13,825 |
pound-feet | meter-kgs | 0.1383 |
pounds/cu. ft. | grams/cu. cm. | 0.01602 |
pounds/cu. ft. | kgs./cu. meter | 16.02 |
pounds/cu. ft. | pounds/cu. in. | 5.787 x 10^-4 |
pounds/cu. ft. | pounds/mil-foot | 5.456 x 10^-9 |
pounds/cu. in. | gms./cu. cm. | 27.68 |
pounds/cu. in. | kgs./cu. meter | 2.768 x 10^4 |
pounds/cu. in. | pounds/cu. ft. | 1,728 |
pounds/cu. in. | pounds/mil-foot | 9.425 x 10^-6 |
pounds/ft. | kgs./meter | 1.488 |
pounds/in. | gms./cm. | 178.6 |
pounds/mil-foot | gms./cu. cm. | 2.306 x 10^6 |
pounds/sq. ft. | atmospheres | 4.725 x 10^-4 |
pounds/sq. ft. | feet of H20 | 0.01602 |
pounds/sq. ft. | inches of Hg | 0.01414 |
pounds/sq. ft. | kgs./sq. meter | 4.882 |
pounds/sq. ft. | pounds/sq. in. | 6.944 x 10^-3 |
pounds/sq. in. | atmospheres | 0.06804 |
pounds/sq. in. | feet of H20 | 2.307 |
pounds/sq. in. | inches of Hg | 2.036 |
pounds/sq. in. | kgs/sq. meter | 703.1 |
pounds/sq. in. | pounds/sq. ft. | 144.0 |
Q |
To Convert | into | Multiply By |
quadrants (angle) | degrees | 90.0 |
quadrants (angle) | minutes | 5,400.0 |
quadrants (angle) | radians | 1.571 |
quadrants (angle) | seconds | 3.24 x 10^5 |
quarts (dry) | cu. in. | 67.20 |
quarts (liq.) | cu. cms. | 946.4 |
quarts (liq.) | cu. feet | 0.03342 |
quarts (liq.) | cu. in. | 57.75 |
quarts (liq.) | cu. meters | 9.464 x 10^-4 |
quarts (liq.) | cu. yards | 1.238 x 10^-3 |
quarts (liq.) | gallons | 0.25 |
quarts (liq.) | liters | 0.9463 |
R |
To Convert | into | Multiply By |
radians | degrees | 57.30 |
radians | minutes | 3,438 |
radians | quadrants | 0.6366 |
radians | seconds | 2.063 x 10^5 |
radians/sec. | degrees/sec. | 57.30 |
radians/sec. | revolutions/min. | 9.549 |
radians/sec. | revolutions/sec. | 0.1592 |
radians/sec./sec. | revs./min./min. | 573 |
radians/sec./sec. | revs./min./sec. | 9.549 |
radians/sec./sec. | revs./sec./sec. | 0.1592 |
revolutions | degrees | 360 |
revolutions | quadrants | 4 |
revolutions | radians | 6.283 |
revolutions/min. | degrees/sec. | 6.0 |
revolutions/min. | radians/sec. | 0.1047 |
revolutions/min. | revs./sec. | 0.01667 |
revs./min./min. | radians/sec./sec. | 1.745 x 10^-3 |
revs./min./min. | revs./min./sec. | 0.01667 |
revs./min./min. | revs./sec./sec. | 2.778 x 10^-4 |
revolutions/sec. | degrees/sec. | 360.0 |
revolutions/sec. | radians/sec. | 6.283 |
revolutions/sec. | revs./min. | 60.0 |
revs./sec./sec. | radians/sec./sec. | 6.283 |
revs./sec./sec. | revs./min./min. | 3,600 |
revs./sec./sec. | revs./min./sec. | 60 |
Rod | Chain (Gunters) | .25 |
Rod | Meters | 5.029 |
Rods (Surveyors') | yards | 5.5 |
rods | feet | 16.5 |